Welcome From the MAMI Director


MAMI Office 

P: (03) 9805 8888


What is MAMI?

mami membership

The Missionary Association of Mary Immaculate (M.A.M.I.) is the organisation through which the Oblates enlist the help of lay people. Through this Association, lay people become part of our Oblate Family. They become our co-workers, co-helpers and Oblate Associates. Members receive a certificate on being enrolled and they also receive a copy of our Oblate Newsletter - M.A.M.I. News Bulletin. We offer Masses each day for all our members and they are also remembered in our Community prayers.


Sign up for or renew your MAMI Membership to help support the Oblate's missionary activities and receive all the membership benefits!


mami newsletter

The MAMI quarterly newsletter gives you the opportunity to keep up with the work of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate here in Australia and abroad.

Vol. 55, No.2 June 2024

Check out past newsletters or sign up to receive the newsletter regularly here!


Partners in Mission

Partners in Mission (PIMs) is a program of the Australian Province of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate which offers people who identify with the spirit of St Eugene de Mazenod, and the Congregation he founded, the opportunity to work as part of the Oblate Mission in China, and develop their own faith by helping others and living in community as lay missionaries.




By donating regularly to our mission you'll be helping us to sustain our services into the future and quickly respond to emerging community needs. 

Click here for more information

Register of the dead

Enrol someone on the register of the dead. Whenever we lose a loved one, we want to express our love. A Memorial Certificate is a tangible expression of your care and concern.

Click here for more information


Leave a legacy

Including a bequest to MAMI in your will,  can ensure that your values are continued and that God’s work of providing practical and spiritual assistance to the needy can continue for generations to come. 

Click here for more information


Check out the latest edition of the China Delegation Newsletter!China Delegation Newsletter Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2020

Check out the latest edition of the China Delegation Newsletter!

China Delegation Newsletter Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2020

Check out the latest edition of the Polish Delegation of Missionary Oblates in Ukraine and Russia Newsletter!

No: 01-02 2023 - OMI News from Ukraine January to February

Check out the latest edition of China Breeze for all the news and happenings from the Five Loaves and Two Fish Center!China Breeze Vol V, No. 22

Check out the latest edition of China Breeze for all the news and happenings from the Five Loaves and Two Fish Center!

China Breeze Vol V, No. 22